Finding the right balance between a high and low accounts payable turnover ratio is ideal for the business. Accounts payable analytics is useful for evaluating the efficiency of your company’s accounts payable process. A key metric used in accounts payable analytics is the AP turnover ratio, which measures how quickly a company pays off its suppliers and vendors. Like other accounting ratios, the accounts payable turnover ratio provides useful data for financial analysis, provided that it’s used properly and in conjunction with other important metrics. An important ratio for business owners, CFOs, and suppliers alike, this ratio can help you see how your business handles its short-term debt as well as gain a better understanding of how others view your business.

The AP turnover ratio primarily reflects short-term financial practices and may not be indicative of long-term financial stability or operational efficiency. A company might have a favorable ratio in the short term due to aggressive payment practices but face long-term sustainability issues. However, it’s crucial to analyze a low ratio within the broader context of the company’s overall financial strategy. In some instances, a lower ratio might be a deliberate strategy to leverage longer payment terms for better cash flow management. A consistently higher ratio typically indicates timely payments, but extremely high ratios might also warrant scrutiny. A higher ratio suggests efficient liquidity management, whereas a lower ratio could indicate potential cash flow challenges needing further investigation.

In contrast, a low Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio may indicate that a company is not paying its creditors on time, which can lead to damage relationships, loss of discounts, and even legal consequences. In conclusion, account payable turnover is a vital metric for businesses to assess their liquidity performance and creditworthiness. By understanding and optimizing this ratio, businesses can maintain healthy cash flow, strengthen relationships with suppliers, and improve their overall financial management. By benchmarking with industry statistics and doing some internal analysis, you can decide when it’s the best time to pay your vendors. Your company’s accounts payable turnover ratio (and days payable outstanding) may be considered a higher ratio or lower ratio in relation to other companies.

  1. Many variables should be examined in conjunction with accounts payable turnover ratio.
  2. This means that Company A paid its suppliers roughly five times in the fiscal year.
  3. For instance, let’s say a company uses all its cash flow to pay bills instead of diverting a portion of funds toward growth or other opportunities.
  4. During the current year Bob purchased $1,000,000 worth of construction materials from his vendors.
  5. Bargaining power also has a significant role to play in accounts payable turnover ratios.

But there is such a thing as having an accounts payable turnover ratio that is too high. If your business’s accounts payable turnover ratio is high and continues to increase with time, it could be an indication you are missing out on opportunities to reinvest in your business. Before you can understand how to calculate and use the accounts payable turnover ratio, you must first understand what the accounts payable turnover ratio is.

How to Optimize AP Turnover Ratio

Another challenge that can impact the Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio is inaccurate data entry. Entering incorrect information, such as incorrect invoice amounts or payment dates, can lead to delayed payments and negatively impact the ratio. It is important to have a system in place to ensure accurate data entry and to regularly review and reconcile accounts payable records to avoid errors. To improve your AP turnover ratio, it’s important to know where your current ratio falls within SaaS benchmarks.

Therefore, we suggest using all credit purchases in the formula, not just inventory and cost of sales that focus on inventory turnover. Understanding account payable turnover is vital for effective financial management and evaluating your company’s liquidity performance. The accounts payable turnover ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures the average number of times a company pays its creditors over an accounting period.

Bob’s Building Suppliers buys constructions equipment and materials from wholesalers and resells this inventory to the general public in its retail store. During the current year Bob purchased $1,000,000 worth of construction materials from his vendors. According to Bob’s balance sheet, his beginning accounts payable was $55,000 and his ending accounts payable was $958,000. When a buyer orders and receives goods and services, but has not yet paid for them, the invoice amount is recorded as a current liability on its balance sheet. The 63 Days payables turnover calculation in this article is reasonable considering general creditor terms. It would be best if you made more comparisons to be sure it’s the right number for your company.

Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio Calculator

A ratio that is significantly higher than the industry average suggests efficient cash flow management, and serves as a positive signal to creditors. Getting the data you need is important, but accessing it quickly ensures you can spend your time analyzing the metrics and developing proactive strategies to move the business forward. This comprehensive financial analysis gets to the heart of proactive decision-making so you’re always looking forward and incorporating agile planning to help the business succeed. Request a personalized demo today to find out how to take your analytics to the next level with our financial dashboards and improve efficiency and profitability for the company. Mosaic also offers customizable templates to create unique dashboards that include the metrics you need to track most. Track invoice status metrics — both amount and count — to keep track of the revenue coming in.


A higher ratio satisfies lenders and creditors and highlights your creditworthiness, which is critical if your business is dependent on lines of credit to operate. But, investors may also seek evidence that the company knows how to use investments strategically. In that case, a business may take longer to pay off bills while it uses funds to benefit the business.

The accounts payable turnover ratio can be calculated for any time period, though an annual or quarterly calculation is the most meaningful. The accounts payable turnover ratio indicates to creditors the short-term liquidity and, to that extent, the creditworthiness of the company. A high ratio indicates prompt payment is being made to suppliers for purchases on credit. A high number may be due to suppliers demanding quick payments, or it may indicate that the company is seeking to take advantage of early payment discounts or actively working to improve its credit rating.

As you can see, Bob’s average accounts payable for the year was $506,500 (beginning plus ending divided by 2). This means that Bob pays his vendors back on average once every six months of twice a year. This is not a high turnover ratio, but it should be compared to others in Bob’s industry.

Accounts payable turnover ratio formula

For a nuanced interpretation, it’s advisable for businesses to benchmark their ratio against similar companies in their industry. Doing so allows them to understand where they stand in terms of creditworthiness, which is important to attract favorable credit terms. In simple terms, the AP turnover ratio measures how quickly a company can pay off its suppliers within a certain period, typically a month or a year. As such, it is an essential tool for managers, investors, and creditors to evaluate a company’s performance and financial stability.

To improve your accounts payable turnover ratio you can improve your cash flow, renegotiate terms with your supplier, pay bills before they’re due, and use automated payment solutions. Accounts receivable turnover shows how quickly a company gets paid by its customers while the accounts payable turnover ratio shows how quickly the company pays its suppliers. A decreasing turnover ratio indicates that a company is taking longer to pay off its suppliers than in previous periods.

Accounts payable turnover shows how many times a company pays off its accounts payable during a period. By monitoring the average payment period, businesses can identify potential cash flow bottlenecks or delays in payment. For instance, if the average payment period is longer than full charge bookkeeping desired, businesses can work with their suppliers to adjust payment terms, allowing for more efficient use of cash and improved accounts payable turnover. This higher ratio can lead to more favorable credit terms, such as extended payment periods or discounts on purchases.

Solely relying on the AP Turnover Ratio for financial assessment can be misleading. It should be viewed in conjunction with other financial metrics like cash flow, liquidity ratios, and profitability measures. This holistic approach ensures a more balanced understanding of a company’s financial health. A lower accounts payable turnover ratio can indicate that a company is struggling to pay its short-term liabilities because of a lack of cash flow. This can indicate that a business may be in financial distress, making it more difficult to obtain favorable credit terms.

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